Wednesday, September 6, 2023

august: 25 & 26

horse, by geraldine brooks (i really liked this book - historical fiction, set in the present day and in the 19th century - the true story of a champion racehorse owned by a slaveholder with a groom who was an enslaved person. liberties are taken, which turns this into historical fiction, but i was fascinated about this glimpse into one possible story of an enslaved person.  as with all books about slavery, i spent much of it fearful of violence, with a little pit in my stomach.  when the heartbreak comes, it's not what you expected.  i love this author's writing style, and this book is excellent.  highly recommend!)

case histories, by kate atkinson (i had read a few kate atkinson books in the past that i really enjoyed, and this one was no exception - it's a mystery with a human and flawed detective, and i liked that it was both a story that built up him as a character and solved some mysteries.  i read it quickly and will definitely be continuing on with this series - i was pleased to learn this is the first in a five-book arc with this detective!)