Monday, September 28, 2009

wasting less paper leads to free music

so our school is trying to get people to waste fewer paper products - because the environment doesn't like that - and one way we're doing this is by encouraging people to bring their own reusable cup to lunch and use it instead of a paper cup.  (sidenote: of course the bookstore has taken this opportunity to try to sell us tervis tumblers, which i agree are a great product.  but don't turn an environmental initiative into a money making endeavor.)

oops, off track.  i promise this story is going somewhere.

if you bring your own cup to lunch, you can enter a drawing every day for a $10 itunes gift card.  i enter every day (why should i let the kids win??), and last week i WON!  granted, i know for a fact that there were only three other people who entered the drawing that day, but who cares.  i screamed for joy and ran through the cafeteria to get my gift card.  i wasn't even embarrassed.  this is something my mama would do.  i am becoming my mother.  (but what else is new?)  in celebration, i spent more than half my gift card yesterday (big spender, i know), and bought these songs:

"party in the usa" - miley cyrus (yes, i hate every other song she's recorded.  but i love this one!  don't judge me.)
"run this town" - jay-z, featuring rihanna & kanye west (if you haven't heard the NPR story investigating whether jay-z has occult links, and using this song as proof, go to NPR right now and search for it - it aired in the last week or two.  really interesting.  and i love the song.  downloading a hip hop (is this hip hop?) song because you heard about it on NPR = probably the whitest thing i've ever done.)
"all we are" - matt nathanson (he opened for sugarland on saturday and i only had one song of his (bet you can guess which one), and i really like this one.)
"lookin' for a good time" - lady antebellum (great one that i heard recently on the radio)
"challengers" - the new pornographers (i love neko case, and she sings with this band...)

i now listen to these songs exclusively.  in a week, they'll be integrated into the rest of my music collection, but for now they are getting a lot of air time.

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