Monday, June 15, 2015

AP reading update...

…because you know you want one.

yesterday we finished reading all the essays for our alternate exam question and got retrained on an operational (aka regular) exam question.  i do not like this new question.  it's a bit harder to score (you have to read super closely and at points infer what a kid means), but i will survive.

today i read 275 essays, for a total of 1,325 read over the five days of the reading so far.  two more days to go, and i'm "just" 221 essays away from my share of the reading.  it sounds like we're on track to finish, but not necessarily finish early.  ugh.  but we'll make it!

last night there was a very fun game of thrones watching party with my friends and tonight is dine out night, where the college board pays for our dinner at a nice-ish restaurant, so i'm not complaining too much.  onward!

(houston, please don't wash away while i'm gone.)

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