Wednesday, September 7, 2016

august: 41, 42 & 43

still going strong! this month i read:

the promise, by ann weisgarber (this is historical fiction, set in galveston during the 1900 hurricane, which was the deadliest hurricane in US history, killing an estimated 8,000 people.  living 45 miles from galveston made this a really interesting read for me.  not the best historical fiction i've read, as the story line around the hurricane wasn't totally compelling for me, but i really enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the hurricane and the city of galveston at this time.)

elizabeth the queen, by sally bedell smith (i listened to the audiobook of this one - a common theme for the nonfiction i read, as i don't like to read nonfiction before bed! - and was totally fascinated about the life of britain's current queen.  the book was a little bit gossipy; the queen doesn't give interviews, so the book is compiled through public documents and interviews with people close to the queen.  sometimes i had to roll my eyes at the silliness of the monarchy, but for the most part i really really enjoyed this book.  i'd recommend it!)

grit, by angela duckworth (this was the second book my boss asked us to read this summer, and though i had read duckworth's academic papers that detail her findings from her research on grit, i did get some good nuggets out of this book.  definitely a worthwhile read for people who work in education!)

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