Sunday, October 17, 2021

august: 28, 29 & 30

behold the dreamers, by imbolo mbue (this had been on my list for a long time and then my book club picked it; i really enjoyed this book for a look into a world different from my own.  this is the fictional story of a cameroonian family who are in the US illegally - what their lives are like, what the next generation's lives are like, and what the husband and wife's perspectives are about what they should do when the husband's immigration status becomes public.  it's beautifully written, the story line is well constructed, and the look at privileged white america through the main characters' eyes is fascinating.  definitely recommend!)

spying on the south, by tony horwitz (from my bookshelf, but i ended up listening to the audiobook.  this nonfiction book is the author's tale of following the path of frederick law olmsted through the south when he traveled and wrote about it for the new york times in the 1950s.  the author does it in 2016 - down the ohio and the mississippi, then through louisiana and texas, all as the 2016 primaries are in full force.  i really enjoy a travelogue (not as much as a memoir, but close!) and i would highly recommend this, particularly to anyone who lives in the areas he travels through.)

real life, by brandon taylor (from my bookshelf.  my friend nora lent this to me, and after i read it i texted her "okay, i read real life and...i don't know what to think.  the violent sex and how shitty miller treated wallace got to me.  he is never going to be your boyfriend!  you are only going to be hurt by letting him in!  it was like watching a depressed friend get walked all over.  ugh!  but man did i have a reaction to it, so that's something, right?"  nora wholeheartedly agreed with my hot take ("THIS IS MY REACTION TOO") so...this book was not for me, but it might be for you?)

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