Tuesday, November 15, 2022

august: 21, 22 & 23

tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, by gabrielle zevin (i loved this book, and then was super validated when my book club liked it AND it won the "book of the month club" book of the year [as voted on by members]!  really rich and human and sympathetic characters, compelling story line...and while it centers on playing and creating video games, you don't need to be a video game person to enjoy this.  highly recommend!)

remarkably bright creatures, by shelby van pelt (this was cute...an octopus, a woman who cleans the octopus tanks, a young man who needs a job and finds one subbing in as octopus tank cleaner...a murder mystery solved?  yes, this sounds ridiculous and my book club did NOT bite on this one, but i read it anyway and enjoyed it!  would be a great book to read on a trip when you have lots of time to read but don't want something super dense.  i recommend it!)

dawn, by selahattin demirtas (this is a set of short stories written by a pro-democracy turkish politician who is now in prison.  sarah jessica parker was making book recommendations for a little while and she recommended this one - it was good but not life changing...i'd recommend it mostly to get a glimpse into the (fictional, but highly realistic) lives of the turkish characters he writes.  it was hard to find a copy, and there's probably a reason - this isn't making the best seller list any time soon.)

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