Friday, January 3, 2020

november: 50 & 51

the testaments, by margaret atwood (this is atwood's sequel-of-sorts to the handmaid's tale and i put my name on the list at the library super early for this and was lucky enough to get it at the end of october - woo hoo!  i'm actually a card-carrying member of two libraries - houston and pittsburgh - which was been a real boon to my reading.  the pittsburgh carnegie library system is amazing and has much more extensive holdings than houston, btw, which you might not be surprised to hear given their namesake's endowment.  but that's neither here nor there.  i loved this book, which does not take us back to offred's story but instead gives us a few other women and their stories both inside and outside gilead.  the book is set 15 or so years after the handmaid's tale ends.  highly recommend!)

the great believers, by rebecca makkai (my friend kenley recommended this to me and i'm so glad she did.  a really great story told in two time frames - 1980s chicago, through the eyes of a gay man facing the AIDS crisis in his friend group, and 2010s paris, as the sister of a man in that friend group searches for her daughter.  this was a quick and satisfying read, though obviously pretty tough to read at points.)

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