Monday, September 17, 2012

rugby wedding

my good friend and rugby teammate from duke, rachie, got married this weekend!  rugby girls with the bride and groom:

this wedding was the best advertisement for a small wedding that i've ever seen.  there were about 75 guests, and rachel and joe put something in the wedding program about every person at the wedding.  every person!  it made me feel that every person was special to the bride and groom - each person was there on purpose to witness this event and celebrate with the couple.  i loved it.

additionally, there was funfetti wedding cake and smores.  this also pleased me.

i got back to new york late last night and consequently took a nap this afternoon after my 8:30 class this morning.  i did also make it to the library and i'm going to yoga in a couple minutes, so i'm not a total waste of space today.  or that's what i'm telling myself.

happy monday, all!

(bonus points for anyone not in DUWRFC who knows what DUWRFC after my name in the program stands for!)

1 comment:

  1. Duke University Women's Rugby Football Club?

