Thursday, November 29, 2012

job search update

that subject line makes it look like i have actual news, right?  NEGATIVE.  ha!  i fooled you.

my update is that i am applying for jobs.  the kinds of administrative-level positions that i want have an earlier hiring season than regular teaching jobs, and thus far i've found 6 or 8 jobs that i'm interested in  and i have sent my resume and cover letter and references out into the world, hoping the people doing the hiring for those positions like what they see.  i am applying for some jobs that i am technically qualified for (master's degree plus eight years teaching experience...), but probably won't get, like upper school principal positions.  there are a lot of very experienced and qualified people out there, but my hope is that i might be considered for one of those jobs at a small school (those are the ones i've applied for) that are seen as entry level principal position.  i'm also applying for dean of students positions or the school's equivalent.  i believe i'll be considered for those and hopefully someone will like me enough to call me up.  CALL ME UP, PLEASE.

i think we can all agree that i'm a planner.  so as soon as i apply for a job - before i even hear a single thing from a school - i have already begun to imagine my life there.  (i know i'm not alone in this, as my friend jenny does the same thing when she's done job searches in the past.  oh jenny, how alike we are.)  i have already imagined what my life would be like in the 6-8 cities where i've applied for jobs.  what would i do on the weekends?  where would i go grocery shopping?  what would the weather be like?  what airport would i fly into?  can i picture myself in my little blue toyota corolla driving around this town?  i am also planning on getting two kittens when i move into a real grown up apartment i picture getting the kittens and them snuggling with me on the couch.

i am ridiculous.

this is why you love me.

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