Saturday, January 2, 2016

it's time for resolutions and shit

i'm doing the bon appetit food lover's cleanse which i am oddly very excited about.  i mean, i've CHOSEN to do it, so i guess i should be excited.  no dairy other than yogurt (apparently dairy is hard for your digestive system to digest, so we are "giving our stomachs a break" or something), lots of whole grains, only four alcoholic drinks a week.  i am subbing in vegetarian meals when the "cleanse" tries to make me eat meat (tofu stir fries and lentil soups, among other things).  i am personally going to focus on portion size - i eat pretty healthily in general, but i also probably eat twice as much as i should for dinner on a regular basis.  so there's that.

after purchasing only alcohol at the grocery store on 12/31, i purchased only good shit on 1/1.  i bought things i've never eaten by choice before.  chia seeds!  barley!  steel cut oats!

i feel so superior to other humans.  is this what healthy people feel like on a daily basis?

i made a batch of oatmeal yesterday, and portioned it into four tupperwares for breakfast.  today i added honey and almond milk and raspberries and it was actually delicious.

i made a batch of barley yesterday, too, and i had to eat some of that at lunch and it was fine and all but not, you know, delicious in any sense of the world.

to be continued.

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