Friday, August 24, 2012

random thoughts

1. most of the time i very much prefer books to their movie remakes.  like, if you enjoy a book you should never see the movie because it will ruin the experience for you.*  exception to the rule?  the remains of the day.  really loved the movie; thanks to jen for encouraging me to watch it!

2. my parents leave for work every morning by 8am; i roll downstairs between 9 and 10:30.  it is glorious.  initially, it took the dogs a while to realize i was here and thus they should bark and scratch at the door to be let in.  then they got wise to the fact that this was going to happen EVERY DAY and were much quicker on the uptake.  this morning?  both dogs were inside when i woke up; abby greeted me in the kitchen and stella appeared a little later from under mom and dad's bed.  it's like they told my parents this morning, "no need to let us out - claire will be up in a couple hours!"

3. i have received my first email from a professor...with about 100 pages of reading attached that i need to read for our first class.  i've done about half of it - it's both exciting and daunting to think about this year ahead.  i've also made the transition to doing my reading on my computer, highlighting and making comments to myself right in the document.  welcome to 2012, miss claire.

4. you know how apparently the whole country is in a drought?  um, not our little corner of the country.  it's lush and green and gorgeous here, and hasn't been too hot - i remember august being the WORST in terms of heat and humidity when i was younger, but it's perfectly fine this year.  highs in the 80s, pretty humid, but i can sit inside without air conditioning and be just fine.  hoo-ray.

5. and yes, these ARE the only things going on in my life right now.  a little boring, yes, but i'm enjoying the ability not to be ON all the time.  disconnecting for a little while is a good thing.

*next up in my netflix queue: pillars of the earth.  anyone seen it?  i've heard mixed reviews about the miniseries version...

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