Sunday, December 16, 2012

busy girl makes time for homeland

with just under a week until i head home for christmas break, i'm a BUSY girl.  i've completed three final papers and have two more to of which i'm in the middle of.  i'm spending lots of time in the very crowded library (turns out everyone is as busy as i am!) trying to crank out some quality writing.

i made the mistake - actually, let's not call it a mistake - to start watching homeland on netflix.  it's a tv show that won a bunch of awards last year so i decided to see if i liked it.  answer: ENORMOUS YES.  the premise: a prisoner of war returns home to the us after 8 years in captivity.  a cia agent thinks he's been "turned" and is actually a spy for middle eastern terrorists.  we as the audience don't know either way and there are little clues along the way to keep us questioning.  i got the first disc last weekend and after mike and kelly and other claire left i watched three episodes back to back on sunday night.  i got the second disc wednesday and watched all three of those episodes that night.  this weekend: the three episodes of the third disc.  because i only get three episodes at a time i can't TOTALLY ruin my life by being sucked into it and watching tv instead of studying.  i can say with certainty i would be watching far more than three episodes a day if i had the whole season in my dorm room right now.  thank you, netflix, for moderating my supply of this show i'm addicted to.

now, back to writing this ethics paper so i can finish this disc of homeland tonight.  tom walker!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man. N and I started "Homeland" last night and I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. We're only two episodes in but I'm alraedy totally hooked.
