Saturday, March 2, 2013

february: 4 & 5

the age of miracles, by karen thompson walker (i loved this book!  i read it because it was my book club assignment for the month, and i'm so glad we picked it.  the premise: the earth's rotation starts slowing down, making each day a little longer than the last.  people cope differently to these changes.  it's told through the point of view of a 7th grade girl, which adds an interesting element - she's growing up as the world is becoming more and more uncertain, and being a middle schooler is already pretty uncertain.  i would recommend this one.  it would be a perfect spring break read - it moves very quickly.)

to kill a mockingbird, by harper lee (i re-read this for one of my classes - the class is called "words matter," and it's about writing and speaking as a school leader.  our professor wanted us to look at atticus as an example of an important leader, and use his words to reflect on our own practice of leadership.  [we say things like this in grad school: "practice of leadership."  it doesn't even sound weird to me any more.  nerd alert.]  what a wonderful book, and i loved the opportunity to read it again.  aaaaand i got a little teary when atticus leaves the courtroom after the trial, and scout is urged to stand while her father passes by.  ugh.  so good.)

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