Friday, March 8, 2013

how to get ready for an on campus interview, by miss claire

job-hunting has moved into phase 2: a couple schools liked me enough after our phone or skype interview to invite me to campus!

(i did not walk you through how to survive a skype interview, but it involves skyping with your sister so she can make sure the connection works, moving around furniture to make it look like you don't live in a 109 square foot dorm room, turning on some lamps and turning others off to get the correct lighting, putting on a nice shirt and sweater but wearing yoga pants on the bottom, and remembering to smile a lot.  about half the schools i interviewed with did skype interviews instead of phone interviews.)

as soon as they invite you to campus: be really excited and text your sister and willis in all caps to let them know.  feel awkward about who you can tell and not make it sound like you are bragging.  you aren't bragging - you are being excited.  fine line, though.

soon thereafter: back and forth emailing with the school about timing - what day you will interview, when you will arrive and leave, etc.  buy plane ticket and reserve rental car.  private school code says that schools pay for your plane ticket, rental car, and hotel room, but sometimes you have to pay in advance and get reimbursed.

5 days before: spend far too much time looking at this document that details average salaries for different administrative positions in independent schools.  since this would be your first administrative role, you want to get a sense of what you could be offered.

4 days before: try on a million combinations of the clothing you own to find the perfect outfit for the interview and (in this case) dinner with the principal and a couple faculty members the night before your interview.  text photos of potential outfits to your sister for her feedback.  this is why you have a sister.  thanks, mom and dad.

3 days before: force some of your friends who are teachers to help you brainstorm potential questions you could be asked when you interview.

2 days before: brainstorm good answers for these questions.

1 day before: start to freak out.  travel to city where interview will take place.  explore city, find hotel, enjoy sleeping in a bed almost as big as your dorm room.

the day of: be as awesome as possible.  end up exhausted.  force your sister and jenny to listen to extended analysis of every detail of the day.  make it home.  take cab back to your dorm because, man, you deserve it after that day.

every minute thereafter: wonder/worry about whether they will offer you the job.  think about what you will say if they do.


  1. Ohmigoodness! How incredibly exciting!!!!!! I can almost forgive you for not texting me with wardrobe options ;) but I'm sure between you and the fabulous Becky, interview outfit perfection was achieved! I can't wait to hear more as this tale unfolds :)

  2. Hope the day(s) went well for you. Find the right mixture of hope and realism. I'm sure you made a strong impression. Remember they will do this, most likely, with a few other people. Good luck, keep it up, and let me know if you want to talk about any of the others.
