Thursday, July 18, 2013


my mom, sister, aunt monica, and cousin sara came to visit me in houston!  hooray!  um, this was three weeks ago and i am just now getting around to posting about it.  oops.

things we did:

ate: we tried new restaurants and liked them all!  a hard thing about hosting when you've only lived somewhere for a month - and don't have many friends yet - is that i haven't had a chance to try many restaurants, but i got recommendations from coworkers and friends and was able to piece together a pretty good list of restaurants for us.  we also went to el bollilo, an awesome mexican bakery where sara picked out all sorts of pastries that were (delicious) mysteries to all of us (no labels - just dozens of shelves of different colors/shapes/sizes of pastries).

mom stayed a day longer than everyone else, and she and i also bought yummy cheese and bread from houston dairymaids, a tiny little fancy cheese shop.

we all went to the butterfly center at the natural science museum, which was steamy hot even though it was indoors...

so that was the thing: it hadn't broken 100 degrees since i'd moved to houston, but there it was, the day everyone was in town, at 104.  sigh.  i guess they got an accurate picture of what texas is like...  since then it has broken 100 a couple times, but mostly hovers around 97.  i hide inside.

we went to the turrell skyspace on the rice university campus, which is this very cool light show at sunset.  you sit in this auditorium thing and look up at a square in the ceiling, through which you can see the sky.  the way the lights shown on the ceiling contrast with the sky makes the sky look BEAUTIFUL and different all the time.  it's hard to explain, but was totally worth seeing.

my apartment is furnished, but i hadn't put anything on the wall when they came to town.  i enlisted their help in deciding what should go where, as well as, you know, physically putting it up for me.  thanks, aunt monica!

there was also scrabble, a game i love.

hoooooooray for a fun girls' weekend!  we're already plotting about getting together again next year...

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