Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ruby's favorite toy is called Da Bird, and it was sent to her by two cats in Atlanta who want to be her friends. It is a feather contraption that gets attached to a string which is attached to a plastic stick. I wave around the plastic stick and this feather thing goes through the air in a way that is irresistible to Ruby. It's her daily workout. (It can also be used to distract her when I want to eat dinner without her help.)

Buuuuut I have to buy replacement birdies because a certain cute cat plays with them so hard that they fall apart. Birdie lifespan: 3 weeks. I just got some replacements, so I can show you a picture of a birdie before Ruby gets her teeth on it...and then what the aftermath looks like.

A fresh birdie is like ten times as fun as a well-used birdie.  I know you aren't surprised.

If you have a kitty, you need to buy her a birdie to play with!

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