Saturday, May 2, 2015

april: 9

we need to talk about kevin, by lionel shriver (i only read one book this month, in large part because this one was a little ponderous.  a (fiction) book told from the perspective of the mother of a school shooter?  why yes, i probably should have anticipated not always wanting to pick this one up.  and it is an epistolary novel…which didn't really work for me.  letters by their very nature leave things out that are understood between the writer and the person reading it, but when books contain letters they almost always contain all these details that just don't seem realistic to me.  on the positive side, throughout the book you know that the end will be the details of the school shooting, but there were some TWISTS that i was not really anticipating and so i liked (is "liked" the right word when people are dying?) the end of this book more than the 400 pages i had to get through to get to the end.  i'm not recommending this one, folks, but i guess i'm glad i read it.)

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