Saturday, October 17, 2009

mustache man

today i went to the decatur beer festival with jenny and wendy.  there were some good beers and some bad beers, great live music, fun people-watching, and a glorious 15 minute break in the starbucks down the street to warm up because it is FALL in decatur and we are SOUTHERN WEENIES who couldn't stop talking about how cold it was. i also couldn't stop talking about how much i love this guy:

he's the logo for this year's festival and he makes me SO HAPPY.  so happy, in fact, that i had to buy a t-shirt with him on it.  i would like to meet the person who designed this logo - i love his mustache and his hat and the fact that he is guzzling beer.  if i was asked to illustrate the word "guzzle" in the dictionary, i would put forth this logo.  or maybe it would better illustrate "swilling"?  either way, he makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. Older, balding gentleman with a mustache and funny hat drinking beer. I like it, too.
