Friday, December 18, 2009

creepy picture guy

for my AP government final exam i gave my students the ability to earn 10 bonus points, 1 each for correctly identifying the following important people, places, and things of 2009.  i purposefully made some of them easy enough that everyone should get them (SHOULD), and some so hard that i didn't know if anyone would get them.  here's the list, for your enjoyment, along with the funniest answers i received.  (giggling over the silly things that students write is the best part about being a teacher.  i figured i should share.)  maximum number of correct answers by a student: 7.

1. bagram - [no funny answers - just lots of wrong answers.  two kids knew, though - i was so proud!]

2. fareed zakaria - president of iran AND president of afghanistan AND regular contributor to Newsweek (creepy picture guy??)

3. fort hood - shooting massacre!  [if you are a 17 year old girl, you like to put exclamation points at the end of sentences that, perhaps, don't need them.]

4. going rogue: an american life - [everyone knew this - hooray]

5. khalid shaikh mohammed - former Nobel Peace Prize winner OR winner of the mayoral race in atlanta

6. mary norwood - [you non-atlantans may not know who she is; she lost the atlanta mayoral race in a run-off, but would have been the first white mayor of atlanta in almost 40 years had she won.]

7. rahm emanuel - terrorist

8. tehran - [most kids knew this, too.]

9. timothy geithner - guy from project runway who always says "designers!" [said by a boy - i love it]

10. the west wing - [i got more answers related to the tv show of this name than the actual location, but i gave them credit]

1 comment:

  1. The timothy geithner one is priceless-- love it! And, love the Christmas card and CD-- thank you! xoxo
