Monday, December 7, 2009

written while watching "rudolph the red-nosed reindeer"

i have an obsession with christmas tv and movies.  i MUST watch the following programs in december:

1. a charlie brown christmas (you will not be surprised to know that i own it)
2. rudolph the red-nosed reindeer (the claymation one)
3. how the grinch stole christmas
4. it's a wonderful life
5. love, actually

optional, but highly suggested, watching:
1. mixed nuts
2. home alone (totally a christmas movie)
3. meet me in st. louis
4. elf

there is something about watching christmas tv programs, particularly, that takes me back to when i was little and believed in santa claus and sat in the living room of our house in mcgrady watching these shows.  if you lived in mcgrady in the 1980s your tv weatherman was neil macneil (real name), and on christmas eve he would pop onto tv every hour or so and show us where santa's sleigh was over a map of the united states.  typically, santa was over new england.  this would be the signal for moms throughout the region to tell their children that santa was getting closer and we needed to go to bed.  because neil macneil was a NEWS ANCHOR (sort of) and if he said santa was coming, SANTA WAS COMING.  i believed it 100%.  and that is what is awesome about being a kid.

1 comment:

  1. It was not just a map of the United States -- it was the Weather Radar that had picked up Santa's sleigh, so there could be no argument as to the authenticity or scientific accuracy of Santa's current location. I wonder if Santa's sleigh now has GPS tracking.
