Friday, December 18, 2009

i'm sad that i'm missing this...

omg.  this means ohmygod for the old(er) people reading this.  except the old(er) people i'm directly descended from aren't reading this because when i talked to them at 9pm there were 10 inches of snow on the ground in mcgrady, they don't have internet access at home, and they CLEARLY won't be getting into town any time soon.  10. inches. of. snow.  i made mom get out her tape measure and put on shoes and go out to measure how much was on the picnic table in the backyard and then tell me about it.  she acquiesced because she's a great mom.  the tape measure read 10 inches.  the dogs must be so confused.  abby the dog is only approximately 10 inches high.  i should have made mom measure her, too.

this is an amazing article for two reasons.  one: it says that 3-7 inches of accumulation were expected today (um, they got 10) and an additional 8-12 inches tonight.  yikes!  i can't wait to call tomorrow and find out what happened overnight.  two: the article is on the website of the biggest newspaper in wilkes county, and it is, uh, perhaps not the fanciest website.  this entertains me.

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