Friday, July 13, 2012

what i'm listening to right now:

bison, "switzerland":

this song, and the previous one i posted, are from a FREEEEEE 33 song sampler from an organization called noisetrade.  my friend christy (hi christy!) told me about them, as she and i have very similar musical tastes, and she was right in thinking that i would love it.  they give away free music directly from the artist, with donations accepted but (as far as i can tell) not required.  check it out!  by "liking" them on facebook you can get the same 33 song sampler that i got.  THIS SAMPLER IS AWESOME and i've been listening to it on repeat for the past week.  get itttttt.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! A shout out on the one & only blog I regularly read. So glad you're loving noisetrade. You are correct that a donation is required but rather accepted. If I really like the artist, I usually buy the entire album or go see the band play live with friends in tow! When I return home from the beach, I have several artists I want to download including the 33 song sampler.
