Thursday, September 23, 2010


the fact that this is not a joke has just made me laugh out loud A LOT.  look at the picture on the left hand side, halfway down and try not to giggle.  and by "giggle," i mean "be horrified."

oh, i am so entertained...


  1. I, too, laughed out loud. Especially about the part that "short flights" could be up to 4 hours. Do they provide complimentary Preparation H, or are they going to charge extra for that? I hope they start installing these so that the travelling public will finally demand the development of efficient rail passenger service.

  2. Could you imagine the absolute horror of flying with children in one of those contraptions? It makes me shudder to think of it.
    Flying alone or with other adults however...that could be possibly hysterical. Especially with drinks involved. You and me, Claire. Squatting n' Drinking. N' Flying!
