Tuesday, August 16, 2011

book challenge update

tina fey's book bossypants is AWESOME and anyone remotely interested should read it.  it is part hilarious and part inspirational (i was not expecting that part) and i have had to put the book down because i was laughing too hard to continue to hold it.  get thee to your local library.

all this, you know, READING, is because i made a little goal for myself to read 25 books this year.  last year i read 15, which was a number surpassed in the beginning of june this year.  reading is so fun!  i'd forgotten.  yay for my personal reading challenge.

this is the crazy blogger whom i occasionally read and who inspired me to try to read 25 books this year.  since i started this, i've discovered world lit up (thanks to willis for telling me about it!) and reading 100 all time novels (not sure how i discovered this one) and they are both fabulous reading-y blogs.  my book list is growing, not getting shorter, though.  not quite sure how that's happening.

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