Sunday, August 14, 2011

i went to yoga this morning and sweated an incredible amount.  it felt SO good to be back, but my flexibility has definitely suffered without weekly yoga classes.

the instructor today, as we were getting ready to start the class, told us to think about our last week...and then to let it go and focus on this moment.  (this is a common yoga-y thing to do - don't worry about what you did this week or what you have to do when you leave class: focus on just being where you are right now.  it's a great lesson for life, i think - i'm often planning the next event instead of focusing on enjoying what i'm doing right now.)  but today her comment made me think even more:
one week ago i was in oxford, preparing for the van to come to pick up all our office stuff that needed to go into storage.
six days ago i was saying goodbye to all my summer friends.
five days ago i was flying back to the us.
four days ago i was starting work.
three days ago i was getting used to my routine and trying to stay awake to a normal bedtime hour (if 8:45 is a normal bedtime hour, i succeeded).
two days ago i was saying goodbye to my friend erin who is moving to new hampshire.
yesterday i was drinking beer and sweating profusely with my friends at a beer festival.
today i'm taking stock of it all - sitting in a yoga class.
tomorrow the rush will continue, with the first day of school for students.
but today i could reflect on all the changes in my life.  and it was a really nice moment.

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