Sunday, November 15, 2009

there i was, minding my own business...

you will never believe what happened to me today.  THE DOG WHO LIVES ACROSS THE HALL FROM US BIT ME.  and it broke the skin.  and i screamed.  this is a dog who always barks A LOT when his owner leaves the condo to take him for a walk, and it has always startled me - it is some severe barking - but i never imagined it was a BITING DOG.  i was walking up to my door to go inside after a walk and the woman and her dog came out of their door at the same time.  the dog barked a lot, ran up to me, jumped up on me, and bit me.  I HAD TRUSTED THIS DOG.  I HAD ASSUMED THIS DOG WAS ALL TALK.  THIS DOG IS NOT ALL TALK.  the woman who owns the dog apologized profusely and offered to pay for the pants the dog ripped, which i first said wasn't necessary and then said would be fine.  i then immediately called my mom and had her talk me down - do i have rabies? (no, all dogs have to get rabies shots...this would only be a concern if this was a wild dog.)  then i talked to my dad, the lawyer (sure, dogs are SUPPOSED to be vaccinated, but you need to get some documentation or a tag number from the owner to confirm that their dog has been vaccinated on schedule).  valid point.  the owners weren't home when i went across the hall to ask about the documentation, so i left a note, allowing me to avoid confrontation (my ultimate goal in life).  here's hoping they get back to me tonight.

the bite mark looks awesomely tragic.  mom says it will probably bruise and swell up.  i'm excited about how gross it will look.  as long as it comes with no additional side effects.  like rabies.

update: i talked to the owner and she showed me the documentation that the dog's rabies vaccinations are up to date.  whew.  new goal: no infection...


  1. Claire, this makes me so angry. Are you okay? You are way too nice-- this is insane. I know I'm not an "animal person," but it sounds like all you were doing was minding your own business and this dog attacked you. Not okay. Not only would I allow her to pay for the pants, I'd make the point that I wouldn't want that dog any where around me again and don't mind calling the authorities if they don't keep the dog indoors and muzzled when outside. My goodness, you could have been a small child... which, by the way, was what I was when I was attacked by a dog (and clearly the reason I don't really like them now). Sorry for my rant, but this just made my blood boil. I know you don't like confrontation, but stick to your guns, girl. Get that documentation and go get some better, more expensive pants! :) xoxo

  2. Woo - I'm sitting in class catching up on your last few posts and am having trouble not laughing out loud.

    Also, this is tragic! I, like Erica, and not an "animal person" and this is basically my biggest fear in life. Well, that and getting lost in the snow.
