Saturday, July 24, 2010


one of the best parts about working in our office is the ability to buy fruits, crisps, biscuits (cookies), and other random snacks - and have the program reimburse you.  we all snack on it while we're in the office - some days, like today, you work an 8 hour shift, and that is a lot of sitting around and waiting for things to happen.  strike that: sitting around, snacking, and waiting for things to happen.  i was struck recently, while buying fruit, of where it was grown.  in the US, most fruit we eat is grown in the US or in central or south america.  obviously that isn't true when you're buying fruit in the UK, but i didn't exactly realize that before i sat down to think about it.  here is my most recent fruit purchase:

clementines and apples from south africa
pears from holland
grapes from morocco

(just like in the US, all fruit packages here are labeled with the country of origin.)

somehow grapes from morocco seem so much more exotic than grapes from central america.  all a matter of perspective, i guess...

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