Monday, July 19, 2010

you can try to hold the breeze

the avett brothers, "die  die die"

this is my current i'm-in-a-bad-mood-and-need-to-get-over-it song.

also my walking-around-england-with-my-ipod-on-and-people-watching song.

i'm not in love with this video - i don't really get it -  but i hope you enjoy the music.  i absolutely do.  especially the last minute of the song.  can't you just picture me walking through the busy streets of oxford and getting away from it all with this in my ears?  because that's what i do...

(thanks to colin, who has really similar musical taste to me and who introduced me to the avett brothers and burned me this CD.  colin: you continue to rock.)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Claire,
    Can you burn me this cd so I can pretend I am cool like you? Oh how I wish I could wander the streets of oxford...did I mention it's 1,000 degrees here and I'm stuck inside with a 3-year-old and newborn? No cool soundtrack in my ears friend. Just the sounds of mickey mouse and screams.
    Anna :)
    No but seriously, I really want that cd. :)
