Tuesday, October 19, 2010

sneaky hate spiral

sometimes i have grumpy days.  I MEAN, WHO DOESN'T.  i am currently having a perfectly fine day (even though NPR is having their fall fundraising drive and they aren't giving me all the news i need in the morning), but veronica posted this link which is a perfect description of how a bad day happens.  i mean, PERFECT.  i hope you enjoy the little computer-drawn characters as much as the story line.  i definitely got a good ten minutes of enjoyment out of this, and i will be reading this blog forever and always because of this one genius post.

update: i just read the most recent post on that blog about the cake when the author was four years old and OHMYGOD IT WAS ALL I COULD DO NOT TO LAUGH OUT LOUD IN CLASS WHILE MY STUDENTS WERE TAKING THEIR TEST.  all. i. could. do. where has this blog been all my life??


  1. It is the greatest blog EVER (other than yours of course)!

  2. Just added it to my favorites! The story about the tooth surgery and the party made me literally laugh out loud. LLOL. Alas, I feel more sorry for the mother though, since the author sounds very much like my little Claire. hahaha. I'm IN FOR IT!

  3. "How a fish almost destroyed my childhood" had me laughing out loud. My co-workers now find me completely ridiculous! Thanks for the great find!

  4. i am glad that everyone is in agreement on this new fun blog. :) anna, i can SO picture little claire slurring her words and staggering around after tooth surgery and you being like "what have i done to deserve this?" and i love that picture of the tooth coming in crazy sideways. hahaha...

  5. Gah!!! So behind on my blog reading that I just saw that you gave me a shout out. Thanks!
