Thursday, March 3, 2011


i am in love with adele.

this is a new love.  i'd heard (and liked) a couple of her songs before, but when her new album 21 came out people were raving about her everywhere i looked, so i listened to the album for free (yay!) on NPR's website (you can stream it here) and immediately bought it from itunes.  in three days this has become my driving home music, my on-in-the-background-while-i-work music.  i came back to my office at the end of the teaching day yesterday, tired, and i said out loud (i do that a lot), "i need some adele right now."  wikipedia tells me this: "The Official Charts Company announced that that Adele is the first living artist to achieve the feat of two top five hits in both the UK Singles Chart and the UK Album Chart simultaneously since The Beatles in 1964."


you need to hear some adele.

and, in fact, you can hear her singing dylan.

she has got one amazing voice.  i think that's what i love about her music - it's all talent, no fanciness, no fussiness, no fame.

do it, adele.

1 comment:

  1. If you like Adele, I highly recommend you also procure School's album "Loveless Unbeliever." Let me know what you think - when I see you next weekend!
