Wednesday, March 30, 2011

my most recent baking adventure:

whoopie pies with mint filling and chocolate ganache

i found this recipe in a bon appetit magazine that i found at the gym.  score!  free magazine!  probably covered in someone else's sweat, but no matter.  it had this awesome recipe in it.

i was going to take some pictures to show you what the cookies looked like when i made them (pretty similar to the picture if you click on the link), but i apparently ate and shared the cookies too quickly and they were gone before i could take a photo.  oops!  but they were pretty and delicious and make you look like a professional chef.  and they didn't stick to the pan when i baked them.  that's my way of deciding it's a good recipe.


  1. Can you make me that when I come visit???? And also, the filling recipe looks disgusting. Crisco should never be an ingredient. Can we just put whipped cream or cream cheese frosting in the middle?

  2. um, of course we will make this...and i should note (for all you out there who might make this) that i used butter and not crisco, because crisco is gross. the end.
