Tuesday, March 1, 2011

february: 3 4 5

month two on my quest to read 25 books in 2011.  woo hoo!  i'm right on track, and read three books that i really enjoyed.

assassination vacation, by sarah vowell (great recommendation from nora - really interesting read on the assassinations of lincoln, garfield, and mckinley, and yes: this sentence reveals that i am a history nerd.  but sarah vowell is hilarious, so it's a hilarious romp through assassinations.  if that's possible.  this book also allowed me to get a question right at trivia night recently, so another bonus!  the question: the dry tortugas are islands off the coast of what us state?  and, you see, samuel mudd (doctor who set lincoln's assassin's broken leg after the assassination) was imprisoned on the dry tortugas.  so i knew it was florida.  don't say "i could have gotten that without reading this book," because that will dampen my excitement.)

the hunger games, by suzanne collins (I COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN.  i read it in probably three sittings, but would have read it in one if my schedule would have allowed.  this is a young adult book, but one that willis and andy read before me and recommended strongly, so i took the plunge.  every chapter ends with an incredible cliffhanger and i kept saying to myself "just one more chapter!"  nora and rachel: i put my name on the list at the library for the next book in the series, catching fire, so you were right on track with your recommendation!  i can't recommend this book any stronger than: you neeeeeed to read it.  in particular, i'm talking to you mom, becky, and abby.  get on the list at your library.  because OH THERE WILL BE A LIST.)

blink, by malcolm gladwell (my uncle mark let me take this off his full bookshelves when i was in california in october, and i just got around to reading it.  i liked this book a lot - falls into the freakonomics vein for me.  but maybe not as good as freakonomics?  if i'm being honest.  still really enjoyed it, though.)

and that, friends, was february.


  1. Are you talking to me? Because, child, clearly I have read all three of the Hunger Games books. I even made unfair use of my library staff powers to get the third one right when it came in.

  2. I am LOVING "Catching Fire" and am having a lot of fun nerding out with my co-workers, who of course have all read it. Things I've realized: when people talk about picking YA fiction based on what the "cool nerdy kids" are reading, YOU SHOULD TRUST THEM.

    Also: SO glad you loved Sarah Vowell. Have you read "The Partly Cloudy Patriot"? Also enjoyable, though not quite as much as "Assassination Vacation." Also also: I'd have gotten Dry Tortugas without her, but ONLY BECAUSE my family's in the Keys.

    One-point-five weeks! And another GTHC coming up this weekend...and I'll be in Durham!

  3. Also-also-also: Abby, I love you.
