Friday, July 1, 2011

google maps...and the cliffs of moher

let me just say something about google maps.  in the US, when i google map something and it says it will take, let's say, 3 hours to get there, i think, "i could get there in 2.5, but with a stop that's probably right on."  google maps is accurate to how i drive.  THIS IS NOT THE CASE HERE.  if google maps says it will take 3 hours, we have learned that there is no way in the universe it will take 3 hours.  it will take 4 or 4.5 and that is just how it is.  because you can't go the speed limit on these roads - we will LAUGH at the speed limit.  "100 km/h on this road?  if i wanted to die going around that corner, perhaps.  i will go 60, and that is pushing it."  when there is a stone wall 1 foot from the car to the left and a tour bus speeding by 1 inch from the car on the right, you don't exactly go the speed limit. maps will get us there, but how long it will take is up for debate.

yesterday we drove from doolin to dingle, with a stop at the cliffs of moher on the way.  THE CLIFFS OF MOHER ARE GORGEOUS.

in this picture it looks like we were the only people at the cliffs of moher.  this is not true (according to the brochure, 1 million people visit a year, and a fair number of them were there yesterday), but i like looking at that picture - i like pretending we were there alone.

there was actually a relatively unobtrusive fence-thing keeping us back from the edge.  good idea, i say.

and these are the cows grazing, um, right at the cliffs of moher.  these cows have a rockin' view, and a million people a year to come and say hi to them.  this is so funny to me - how close private land is to these national parks (or whatever they're called).

we got to dingle, you know, an hour after google maps said we would.  then we did what i'm calling the "claire is your navigator" move, as this has happened in EVERY place we're staying (no exceptions): we drive through the town one time, totally lost, and then i actually get us to our hostel on the second attempt.  go me!

we had reallllly good pizza for dinner and INCREDIBLE ice cream for dessert (thank you, lonely planet!) - i got sea salt and dark chocolate (one scoop of each) - other claire had honeycomb and dark chocolate.  yum.  the dude running our hostel recommended a pub to go to with a band (two women singers and a guitarist) he really likes - turned out to be an awesome recommendation.  this is them - not from last night:

we wrote postcards and befriended the 60-something canadian couple next to us (they were really interesting) and listened to great music while having a drink.  the band played joni mitchell's "carey" at one point, and you know i almost died.  great night.

we're off to dublin today!

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