Thursday, July 7, 2011


note: pub quizzes in england are hard for americans.  i got maybe...oh that's right: 0 answers correct on my own.  awesome.  hahaha...still a lot of fun, though, and the british people on our team pulled up our score while i drank cider and looked interested.

at one point the question was: what do these two things have in common: buffalo and bingo.  the answer (which we did not get) was that they both have wings.  what are bingo wings, you ask?  it is what brits call the flabby arm fat on an old woman when she raises her arm in the air and yells "bingo!"  i never knew what to call that arm fat, and "bingo wings" is the best. phrase. ever.


  1. omg, I just learned about that term from Varia last time I was in Boston! I could. not. stop. giggling about it. Also, I wish trivia had riddle-y questions like that.

  2. This is hilarious. HILARIOUS. I will probably never repeat this phrase but I will think of it often!!

  3. In my family that body part is referrred to as "Bubbe arms," or "Bubs" for short. (Bubbe - rhymes with "hubby" - is the Yiddish word for grandmother - and clearly my Bubbe had a little jiggle under there in her later years.
