Monday, March 12, 2012

first day back at work from spring break: observations.

1. i walked 11,817 steps today.  this is my new record, though the competition is only a week old.  i spent an hour at the gym on the treadmill and elliptical machine, so this obviously helped me obtain this record.

2. it WAS good to be back at work, even though i wanted spring break to continue.  i had a meeting with a parent that i thought was going to be BAD and SCARY and it was neither.  i sort of got asked for parenting tips.  whenever this happens - and it happens every once in a while - i used to totally avoid answering the question because i don't have children and i don't know how to be a parent.  and then a coworker/mentor of mine told me that sometimes we do know more.  and it's okay - parents want input.  and now i don't shy away from offering advice, though it is no less bizarre.

3. during a faculty meeting today i miiiiiight have been on my computer, reading articles about march madness like this one: "what your bracket says about you" - i love it!

4. extremely loud & incredibly close is SO GOOD and also SO HEARTBREAKING at the same time.  tragedy through the eyes of a child - even if it's fiction - is so powerful.  love the author's writing style, too - this is the first of his books that i've read.

and now, my friends, i will slide into a prone position on the couch and let my eyes glaze over as i watch tv.  hooray!

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