Wednesday, March 7, 2012

spring break, day 1

i am my mother, example #7: i bought, and am currently wearing, a pedometer.

[pause for the laughing to subside.]

a couple years ago my mom bought, and wore, a pedometer.  she would pretty diligently try to get to 10,000 steps per day, as apparently 10,000 steps is 5 miles and this is what we should all be doing on a daily basis according to lots of important health people.  in general, this is probably a pretty good plan, as it is motivation to exercise every day.  if my mom was close to 10,000 steps at the end of the day, though, she would walk around inside the house until she got there.  this was entertaining, and definitely a reason to make fun of her.

fast forward to the present.  i have been wanting a pedometer, as i'd be interested in knowing how much walking i do on a normal day, just doing my job and such, and then how many i add on by going to the gym or going for a walk.  yes, i realize this is nerdy, but whatever.  i want it.  so i bought one on and it arrived yesterday just in time for my trip to florida for spring break.  woo hoo!

today is my first day with the pedometer, as yesterday was mostly spent in the car and then eating delicious greasy mexican food.  things i have learned on day one:

1. my pedometer is a liar.  i did a trial walk through the condo where we're staying; i walked 100 steps.  the pedometer registered 118 steps.  i did another trial walk and it registered 109 steps.  curses!  i'm going to have to adjust appropriately, but i don't exactly know how to.  i guess i need to get to 10,900-11,800 steps in a day, according to this silly pedometer, in order to actually reach 10,000.

2. as of right now i've gone 9,129 steps today:

(my pedometer has the time on it!  and it resets automatically at midnight!  and remembers 6 past days of steps!  now, if only is was accurate in measuring steps...)

3. my step count was helped by an hour long walk before lunch.  this is the view from the condo where we're staying, and i walked on a path right by the beach.  it was lovely, but VERY windy.

4. i am so white that my nose is a little sunburned from my walk.  oops.
4a. i went to the dermatologist on monday and got a clean bill of skin health.  woo hoo!

5. now other claire and i are having our own happy hour, so i need to go.

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