Thursday, March 29, 2012

roasted corn salsa, attempt #2

my corn salsa turned out great the second time around!  here is the recipe, modified from rachael ray's crazy one that didn't turn out so well:
1. saute a diced red onion.  add half a finely chopped jalapeno and two cups of thawed frozen corn and cook some more.  maybe another 3 minutes?  salt and pepper it.
2. put the onion/corn/jalapeno mixture in a bowl and add half a pineapple, chopped pretty small.  mix.  eat.  yum.

the salsa is a little sweet, but oh-so-yummy if you like a sweet-ish salsa.

i took this salsa over to mike and kelly's house last night, where we had chili (kelly made some great veggie chili for me - she is awesome!) and talked and played a new-to-us board game called alibi.  alibi is basically the board game clue on steroids.  very fun, though it took a while to get the strategy figured out.  now let me tell you a story about my love of clue.

when i was younger my family would spend thanksgiving most years with my dad's family at my uncle's family's vacation home.  it was this kind of paradise to me as a child, and i think those thanksgivings together are the reason i'm so close to my dad's family.  there were maids who made our beds, stables with horses to ride, golf carts to drive around on, an indoor swimming pool, trees to climb, seated dinners, and lots of board games.  one thanksgiving my cousin nate (who was, i think, approximately 6 years old at the time) recited all the presidents in order.  i was obviously jealous.  one thanksgiving we played clue approximately 30 times.*  one thanksgiving we played this amazing game called murder in the dark; another time my uncle introduced the kids to the game 20 questions.  MY FAMILY LOVES GAMES.  i have very fond memories of this place and of playing with my cousins.  and somehow clue is tied up in it.

*this is obviously a gross exaggeration.

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