Tuesday, October 30, 2012

a photo a day

my umbrella and i made our way to the one library on campus that is open today; i'm going to do some homework for a couple hours.

i didn't lose power, though the lights flickered a little last night.  a cold rain is coming down and there are some broken tree branches on the sidewalks, but other than that we are totally fine.  not so in other parts of manhattan - i feel lucky that i'm up high enough (my neighborhood is called morningside heights for a reason) that we were spared any crazy flooding.

several people in my program live in brooklyn and two live in connecticut - no clue if they're going to be able to make it in if we have class tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are well. Impressive that you're spending time at the library studying. So studious!
