Monday, October 1, 2012

september: 26 & 27

in this new grad school life of mine, i spend probably 3 hours a day reading articles and books for school.  this has cut down on my reading for fun - i find that i'd much rather watch tv than read a book before i fall asleep.

i think we all knew this was going to happen.

i did finish 2 books this month, though the first i finished just as classes were starting, so i'd still consider it a summer read.

the amazing adventures of kavalier & clay, by michael chabon (sometimes i read books and i think: i am not smart enough for this book.  this is one of those - allusions that mean nothing to me, the realization that there's something going on below the surface that i don't QUITE get.  i wasn't as engaged with this book as i'd been with the previous two i'd read, but i didn't actively dislike it either. that changed a bit halfway through, as i got more interested in the storyline and everything that was going on started to make more sense.  by the end, i was ready to recommend it to people.  so!  a pretty good book!  the story of two cousins who create a comic book character who can help people escape from any bad situation...while one of the cousins struggles to help his family escape from nazi germany.  it's a long book and a little hard to get into, but i definitely enjoyed it by the end.)

is everyone hanging out without me?, by mindy kaling (i read this for the first time less than a year ago, and i feel no differently now.  a good, light read.  and i'm so excited about her new show!)

1 comment:

  1. Woo - I am so behind on commenting on your posts. But, I wanted to chime in that I really enjoyed "Cavalier and Clay," although it's been years since I read it, and I recently read a book that reminded me of it a lot. "Carter Beats the Devil" by Glen David Gold. It's a thick book but went very quickly.
