Monday, October 8, 2012

i never saw the movie taken because it is about being kidnapped and this is SCARY and i don't like scary movies, particularly when the kind of scary is REAL LIFE SCARY.  i am actually okay with zombies, usually, because they are not real life scary.  zombies will never happen.  (right?!)

yesterday i took the bus from boston to new york after my awesome weekend with TIP friends.  i had never taken the megabus before, but it was $27 and i loved that and so i gave it a shot.  the bus had a bunch of TVs hanging from the ceiling, and TAKEN PLAYED ON A LOOP ON THIS BUS, WITH VOLUME AND EVERYTHING.  i watched it not once, not twice, but three times in 4 hours - it would end, the credits would roll, and it would start again from the beginning.  and by "watched it," i mean "read my book and looked up every 2 minutes because scary noises were happening and i needed to know what was going on."  things i learned:
1. the movie didn't seem that scary, mostly because i couldn't hear a lot of the dialogue.
2. the movie didn't seem that scary, mostly because i only saw about 50% of the action in any single watching.
3. the movie didn't seem that scary, because after the first time i knew exactly what was going to happen before it happened.

all in all, though, it was bizarre.  and who decided we should watch taken - a movie about kidnapping and sex slavery - on a bus with strangers?!

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