Monday, October 29, 2012

hurricane update

last night i went to bed with this vision of waking up in the middle of the night to crazy winds and rain. that did not happen.  trashman came at 7:30 like usual, and i woke up at 9:30 to...pretty much what i went to bed to: winds and no rain.

a 109 square foot room is kind of like a prison cell when you know you can't leave...except it has a tv and internet maybe it's not like a prison cell BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.  i ventured out at 11 to see what the outside world looked like and find a place to study - the columbia website said that the main library was open as a study space.  it had started raining and there weren't many people out at all.  every business i passed was closed except the grocery stores - those are still open.  kind of weird to walk through a normally busy neighborhood and not see many people around.

after an hour and a half in the library i was able to buy a bottle of diet coke and a delicious egg salad sandwich from the grocery store across the street from me.  hooray!  but the winds are DEFINITELY picking up and it's raining harder now.  according to the weather channel the worst of it will hit new york this afternoon and into the evening.

the sense i'm getting is that the coastal areas are the ones really in trouble because of the rising waters there.  i feel secure on the middle of this's going to take a lot for us to be in any real danger.

the subways are closed again tomorrow, as are the public schools.  we haven't heard about whether we're having class tomorrow but i can't imagine we will...

now: excessive tv watching.  don't judge.

1 comment:

  1. While I'm very happy that you're safe and sound, I'm also SUPER jealous that you have a day (or two) with no school! Practically green with envy:)
