Thursday, January 21, 2010

gay men don't know everything.

the scene: my office.  the topic of conversation: the upcoming wedding of two dear friends of ours.

willis: "apparently her wedding dress has two sashes - one for day and one for night."
me: "oh!  i didn't hear that."
[pause for contemplation.]
willis: "what's a sash?"
[a lot of laughter from me.]
me: "what do you think it is?"
willis: "to me a sash is like a pageant sash [over the shoulder].  why would you need that for a wedding dress?"

okay, men, the green ribbons here are sashes:

[just ignore the fact that one of these people is REALLY REALLY PALE. she spent the summer in england.  there wasn't a lot of sun.]

but willis is right, women in pageants also wear sashes over one shoulder.  but seriously, willis?  you didn't know that there were two kinds of sashes?  i am extremely amused by this.


  1. A sash is the part of the window that moves up and down, with the glass panes in it.

  2. OMG, this made my day... and it's been a doozy. (sp?) First, please hug Willis and tell him it's from me. Second, please smack Willis (gently) on the arm and tell him I said he is shaming gay men everywhere for not knowing what a sash is. :)

  3. What?!? Willis didn't know this? Its a sad day for gay men everywhere....

  4. John's point illustrates a fundamental difference: guys think sash>window, girls think sash>clothing. Hard-wiring.

  5. I'm with Willis on this one. I thought she had 2 pageant-style sashes, perhaps 1 saying "Miss My Wedding Day" and 1 saying "Miss Naughty Night Bride". I suppose it is less surprising that I didn't know than that a gay man didn't know.

  6. Willis here everyone. Coming to my own defense. Jesus. I am clearly right about the sash issue. I've done some fact checking and checked my manual and for sure, sashes are what I've said they are. Gay men LOVE pageants and crowns and tiaras and what not. And sashes live there. And only there.
