Friday, December 10, 2010

i have this to look forward to: productivity

i called my mom last night.  here is a transcript of a portion of that phone call:

me: so how much snow did you end up getting?
mom: about 2 inches!  school was cancelled on monday and we had a two hour delay on tuesday.
me: yay!
mom: so on monday i was really productive.  i called the doctor's office and got a prescription filled, i went to lowe's to look at carpeting, i mailed something to becky, i returned that [insert name of tractor/bush hog/lawnmower part that i don't recognize] that dad wanted me to return, and then i went to habitat [for humanity].
me: um, if i had a day off, i would have done this: slept until noon, had lunch with willis and probably had a margarita, and spent the entire afternoon on the couch watching tv.
mom [in that mom voice that says "stop kidding me"]: no you wouldn't.
me: mom, i literally would have.  that is exactly what i do when we have snow days!
mom [still not quite believing me]: well...this is what happens when you get old.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who is totally and completely unproductive on snow days! I support you 100% in this :) On another note, I see you're reading Reading Lolita in Tehran... it's one that I teach in Women's Lit... would love to talk to you about it when we talk next. Miss you! xoxo
