Wednesday, April 21, 2010

alex, i'll take "life goals" for $400.

i have a couple life goals:
1. be happy/fall in love/get married/have kids/love my job/all that jazz.  i mean, this is really the primary goal.
2. be an elector in the electoral college.
3. appear on jeopardy.

willis is about to beat me to the punch on #3.

in january willis and i both took the online test in an attempt to qualify to be on jeopardy.  willis and i then immediately called each other and talked through every question on the test, and out of the 50 questions, willis appeared to have gotten about 5 correct more than i did.

time passes.  (in the movie of my life, this portion will be shown by snow falling and then melting and spring arriving and pollen falling and then staying forever.)

a couple weeks ago, willis receives The Email.  The Email informs willis that he has qualified for the next round of testing in order to be on jeopardy.  willis will go to philadelphia in june, take another test, and sit through a fake interview to see if he is interesting enough to appear on the show.  assuming he does well on the next level of testing, willis absolutely will be found interesting enough to appear on the show.  i mean, have you guys met willis?  jeopardy needs a multiracial, gay, volleyball playing, fashionable dressing, educator like willis from small town missouri through duke and michigan to atlanta.  I AM SO EXCITED FOR HIM.


  1. I can't wait to hear Willis tell Alex a semi-interesting but very embarrassing story after the first commercial break. Day after day as his winnings increase.

  2. Yay! How exciting! He should read "Brainiac" to get pumped :)
