Tuesday, April 20, 2010

a zoo morning

this is a 4 year old gorilla.  i am still calling him a baby gorilla, even though he is probably a teenager gorilla.  he was hanging out and eating some leaves when we took the entire 12th grade to the zoo yesterday.  i liked him a lot.

i was reminded yesterday of how human gorillas are.  not just physically, which they are, but behaviorally.  the baby/teenager gorillas like to play A LOT.  at one point, one of the baby gorillas clutched his arms to her chest and rolled sideways down a hill in her enclosure JUST LIKE HUMAN KIDS DO.  at another point, the littlest gorilla (the posted information told me that he is a year younger than the other three gorilla kids in the group) stood up on two legs and ran after the cool older kids and jumped on them when he got there.  i was like, "am i at my school?"  human boys like to jump on each other and rough house, too.  and littler humans sometimes get left behind when the older kids are playing.

gorillas = my favorite zoo animals.

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