Wednesday, January 25, 2012

every year i like to take movie recommendations from the list of academy awards nominations; often they are great recommendations, and they definitely make watching the academy awards more interesting.  this year the following films are nominated for best picture.  i have grouped them into categories for you.

movies i have seen:
midnight in paris

movies i have seen that i loved:

movies i would like to see:
the artist
extremely loud & incredibly close (but i should read the book first.  which means i won't see it for 5 years because i can never get my act together.  ugh.)
war horse

side note: movies i would like to see that are not nominated for best picture:
the iron lady

movies i really have no desire to see:
the descendants (the previews make this look...boring?  is that the right word?  i think so.  anyone seen this and can convince me it's worth it?)
the help (i found this book simplistic in its handling of race relations in the south.  summary of the book: white people (except one who is more eager than good) are bad.  black people are hardworking.  the end.  perhaps this book is not for history teachers.  there's no way the movie will be any more nuanced.)
hugo ( looks pretty?  but that's about it.)
the tree of life (i can pretty much guarantee i would leave this movie confused.)

now that i've offended just about everyone, i can go on my merry way.

1 comment:

  1. Movies I have seen: Hugo and Moneyball. Both worth seeing. Hugo turned out to be a whole lot more than the trailer suggested it would be, and I also found myself wishing I'd seen it in 3-D (despite having argued with my brother so vehemently AGAINST 3-D that I won, hence why I didn't see it that way). Moneyball had some hokey moments but in the end I love any and all sports movies, and it's a Sorkin script! Enough said.
