Friday, March 19, 2010


...i dare you to read NYU's list of top 100 works of journalism of the 20th century in the US and not get the shivers.  (or maybe that's the historian in me.)

68. Joe Rosenthal. Photograph of Marines raising a U.S. flag on Mount Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima. 1945

55. ABC. Live broadcast of Army-McCarthy hearings. 1954

44. Randy Shilts. Reporting on AIDS. 1981-85

41. Huyn Cong Ut. Photograph of a burning girl running from a napalm attack. 1972

35. James Baldwin. "The Fire Next Time." 1963

31. John Steinbeck. Reports on Okie migrant camp life for the San Francisco News. 1936

17. Henry Hampton. "Eyes on the Prize." 1987

14. James Agee and Walker Evans. "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men." 1941

9. Ernie Pyle. Reports from Europe and the Pacific during World War II. 1940-45

4. Edward R. Murrow. "This is London . . ." radio reports for CBS on the German bombing of London. Also collected in book form. 1940

3. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Watergate investigations for the Washington Post. 1972-73

2. Rachel Carson. "Silent Spring." 1962

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