Tuesday, March 2, 2010

camping out for the supreme court

OHMYGOD.  (That is what I said out loud when I read this article.)

I've known this kid in person since the first week of college at Duke (we're both in the class of 2004).  And even before that - he had set up this online group for other incoming Duke freshmen so we could all "meet" online before we met in person.  This was the summer of 2000.  Facebook didn't exist.  Mike Sacks was ahead of his time.  And then he went around East Campus during the first week of college, meeting everyone he could.  If you ask anyone from my graduating class at Duke if they know Mike Sacks, I predict 90% of people will say yes.  He's that guy.  I, on the other hand, hid in my room a lot during those first few weeks.  Duke was BIG and I didn't know these people.  My reaction was pretty much the exact opposite of his.  But I met him, so I must have left my room at some point.

Where did Mike Sacks learn to wait in line?  Um, that SHOULD be in Krzyzewskiville.  But as he explains on his blog, he apparently never camped out for a Duke game.  EXCUSE ME?

And now he is profiled in a New York Times article.

The world is very small.

Yay Duke.  Yay camping out.  Yay Supreme Court.

That is all.

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