Thursday, March 11, 2010

drive all night

willis, dudley, irving, and i departed atlanta at 1:05am last night and arrived at the beach house at 6:55am.  and magically, we weren't grumpy.  i know you can't believe this, but it's true.  we then slept until 1:00pm. my neck hurts like a bitch right now from sleeping in the car, but otherwise, all is well.

willis drove the whole way.


because he's bad ass like that.

awesome text from willis while we were lying in our beds in different rooms, waking up this morning:
"i don't like that both dudley and irving have white aristocratic names and i have a second class black name."

(apologies to all people named willis out there.)

i informed willis that we can't change his pseudonym now.  my mom just figured it out.


  1. I demand a new name. I am going to start a campaign with all blog readers to petition blog writer CSL10 to change Willis's name. Please comment on the following names as you see fit (All of which are far superior to Willis).
    1. Finnegan
    2. Gustavus
    3. Chancellor
    4. Vander
    5. Sullivan

    I am particularly fond of Chancellor.

  2. Chancellor is a title, not a name. It shall be your title hereafter. Chancellor Willis! Chancellor Willis, your baton twirling is, how shall I say, sub-par.

  3. Direct quote from an email from my mom:
    "Finnegan is a good name, but it doesn’t really fit “willis” the person."

    So true, mama, so true.

    Note: the vote is now 2-1 in favor of keeping Willis's name. And I haven't even voted yet...

    Willis for life!!

  4. Um, I don't know why Willis has to be a second-class name! I think it is nice! If you forget about "watchu takin' bout Willis," I see no problem with the name. KEEP IT!!!!


  5. the votes are in: willis4life!! in special circumstances you are allowed to call him chancellor finnegan willis III.

  6. Wait, I did not get to vote. I personally like Willis (the name and the person), and I have never associated it (the name) with race or class. However, Willis' (the person) opinion should count for more than one vote. Of the names offered, in the alternative, I vote for Gustavus.
