Tuesday, June 15, 2010

i'm back in the land of the internet, and this post is what you get

on sunday night i got two emails, in quick succession:

email 1:

was just on the tonys. he was also, if you'll recall, in our musicals class.

we're all winners tonight!


email 2:
Woo -

I'm watching the Tony awards right now, as I do every year, and I just saw a guy we went to Duke with accept an award! Did you know Preston Whiteway? I knew him, but I can't remember how - I assume through you, since you knew everyone? I remember him being really into theater in school, and apparently he's been the managing then executive director of a regional theater in Connecticut since we graduated. Makes me feel totally unaccomplished.

- Rachel C.

i have a million things to note about this.  a million!  but i will just tell you a couple things.
thing 1: ohmygod a kid i was friends with at duke - he was in my freshman dorm, and we also took a couple classes together, and we definitely watched some basketball games together, and i worked with him when i volunteered as an usher (free way to see shows) when broadway tours would come to duke -  ACCEPTED A TONY AWARD ON SUNDAY NIGHT.  he runs a regional theater that won the best regional theater award, and as the executive director, he accepted it.  HOLY SHIT.
thing 2: yes, i took a class on musical theater in college, and it was one of the best classes i took in all of college.  you didn't have to have talent...you just had to like musicals.  WHICH I OBVIOUSLY DO.
thing 3: it makes ME feel unaccomplished, too.  preston just accepted a tony.  i slept in late and make a birthday cake for my dad.  not the same thing.
thing 4: rachel always signs emails "rachel c.," and i feel i should point this out to the public.  apparently she was in kindergarden with another girl named rachel, and when she first had to write her name on papers, she always had to write rachel c.  and it stuck.  rachel c. is adorable.
thing 5: love my friends for emailing me this!  really, just love my friends.

yesterday i got this email from colin, after telling her i really wanted to see preston's speech but was having trouble finding it online:

i win at life.


scroll down, you'll see it. good speech!


best. friends. ever.  seriously - moments after a mutual friend is on tv, these two girls sent me emails.  BECAUSE THEY ARE AWESOME.


(i'm realizing that there are a lot of capitalized words in this post.  THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I GET EXCITED.)


  1. I have a million things to note about this post, but I will just tell you a couple of things:
    Thing 1: Let's keep things in perspective. Prest Whiteway is one of many people who work at the theater. He is probably the most telegenic and therefore was therefore to accept the award for the entire group. His personal accomplishment may be minor compared to others in the theater (the artistic director, the musical director, etc.)
    Thing 2: Unaccomplished? You? Every year a group of students gets to take your classes that will change the way they think and act for the rest of their lives. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people will remember you for the rest of their lives, because of the impact you had on them during their formative years. Then, they will go out in the world and have positive effects on hundreds, if not thousands of other people. By contrast, Preston Whiteway assists in entertaining a relatively small number of people for a relatively short period of time with relatively minor long-term impact on their lives. Don't get me wrong: art is an important part of who we are, but it is one of many aspects of our lives. The fact that the entertainment industry presents a lavish self-promotion on national television doesn't raise the accomplishments of a regional theater executive above the crucial work of teachers.
    Thing 3: Taking the time to drive hundreds of miles to visit family and bake a birthday cake for your dad is more of an accomplishment that accepting an award for others' hard work.
    Thing 4: As one of several boys in kindergarten with the name John, I was taught to sign all my papers as John L. At some point (I think it was high school) someone made fun of that, and I stopped adding the L. However, I still answer the phone using my full name so no one gets confused as to which John they are talking to.

  2. Claire- I love your post and I LOVE your dad's response!! I couldn't agree more, friend. You are so accomplished and I feel privileged to call you my friend :) xoxo

  3. i agree, you are the best claire! but also shout out to preston who i went to high school with as well!
